Undergraduate student award

27th Paraná State Science and Technology Awards Pt-Br(orginal source)

The award ceremony for the Paraná State Science and Technology Awards, honoring the nine winners of the 27th edition, took place this Wednesday (17th) at the Industry Campus - FIEP. This year, researchers from the areas of Agricultural Sciences and Humanities and Social Sciences competed. The event was attended by Vice Governor Flávio Arns, Secretary of Science, Technology, and Higher Education, João Carlos Gomes, and President of the Araucária Foundation, Paulo Brofman.

The award was created in 1986 with the aim of recognizing and stimulating scientific and technological production in Paraná, valorizing professionals and young talents who, through their research, have contributed to the progress of the state. Vice Governor Flávio Arns highlighted the importance of the initiative and investment in Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI). “We all depend on Science, Technology, and Innovation, and we need to encourage research in all areas of knowledge. It is necessary to create a mindset that it is economically necessary,” he emphasized. The Vice Governor also suggested that in future editions, a category focused on basic education should be created to encourage students to develop research from an early age.

Two areas are awarded each year in a rotation system. Projects are evaluated in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences and Agricultural Sciences; Engineering and Biological Sciences; Exact Sciences and Earth Sciences, and Health Sciences. The 2013 edition included projects and scientific dissemination reports in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences and Agricultural Sciences. According to Secretary João Carlos Gomes, the award is a way to honor those who dedicate their careers to high-level knowledge production and scientific dissemination. “Incentivizing our teachers and researchers directly reflects benefits for the entire society,” he said.

The prizes are awarded in the categories of professor-researcher, researcher-educator, undergraduate student, independent inventor, and scientific journalist. “This award values research, science, and technology in Paraná because the researcher’s main objective is to generate good social and economic results and needs this incentive,” highlighted Paulo Brofman, President of the Araucária Foundation.

With twenty years dedicated to higher education and research in the area of plant genetic improvement, Professor Carlos Alberto Scapim from the State University of Maringá (UEM), winner of the professor-researcher category in the Agricultural Sciences area, said he was very happy with the recognition. “It is a stimulus for teachers and researchers in the state. Seti deserves congratulations for this initiative, and of course, I was very happy to have been chosen by the scientific academy.”

Winner in the Researcher-Educator category in the Humanities and Social Sciences area, Professor Maria do Carmo Duarte Freitas from the Information Science and Management course at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), said she feels even more valued and motivated to continue developing projects using new technologies in education within the community. “I feel honored to have been chosen. The award is of great importance not only to me but also to my course, which is new, to be increasingly recognized inside and outside the institution in this search for the popularization of science,” she said.

Sueli Rufini, coordinator of Science and Technology at Seti, explains that the candidates are judged by a committee composed of five professionals linked to research institutions and postgraduate programs throughout the country (except Paraná), chosen and invited by the Science and Technology Coordination. “The whole process is conducted with impartiality and transparency. It is worth participating because, in addition to public recognition, the winners serve as inspiration, as a model, for other professionals.”

The areas covered in the next edition of the award will be Engineering and Biological Sciences, and registrations will be opened in the coming days. Prize - For the professor-researcher and researcher-educator categories, the award is calculated at one and a half times the salary of the full professor, for each one (R$ 22,816.89). The independent inventor and the journalist will receive 60% of the full professor’s salary (R$ 9,126.75). The undergraduate student will receive R$ 7,605.63, corresponding to half of the full professor’s salary. In the 27 years of the award’s existence, approximately 90 people, including scientists, professors, students, and, more recently, inventors and journalists, have been honored.


Area: Humanities and Social Sciences

Category: Professor-Researcher Winner: João Fábio Bertonha/History/UEM

Category: Researcher-Educator Winner: Maria do Carmo Duarte Freitas/Information Science and Management/UFPR

Category: Independent Inventor Winner: Welington Lyan Pereira/Curitiba/PR Invention: RPS Fácil – Automation, Management, and Audit in the Provisional Service Receipt and Conversion into NFS-e.

Category: Undergraduate Student Winner: Martha Chaves Vasconcelos/Administration/UTFPR

Category: Scientific Journalism Winner: Jônatas Dias Lima/Journalism/Gazeta do Povo

Area: Agricultural Sciences

Category: Professor-Researcher Winner: Carlos Alberto Scapim/Agronomy/UEM

Category: Researcher-Educator Winner: Mareci Mendes de Almeida/Food Engineering/UEPG

Category: Independent Inventor Winner: Rodrigo Augusto Franco de Oliveira Zawadzki/Agricultural Sciences/Curitiba/PR Invention: AUXIPÓ – Use of rock powder residue as a coagulant aid in effluent treatment.

Category: Undergraduate Student Winner: Victor Hugo Rohden Prudente/Agricultural Engineering/Unioeste

Category: Scientific Journalism Winner: no candidateakun.